Apple Chocolate Dipping Bar

Nothing says fall like apples. This simple & fun dipping bar includes everything you need to create the apple of your dreams & more.

Featuring Pascha Dark, No Milk and White Chocolate for the ultimate dipping bar experi-ence. The combinations are endless and the fun never stops.


Try These Pascha Chocolate Fruit Inspired Recipes

Raspberry Chocolate Brownies
Raspberry Chocolate Brownies
Chocolate Pear Crumble
Chocolate Pear Crumble
Vegan White Chocolate Covered Carrot Apple Layer Cake with Vegan Butter Cream Icing
Vegan White Chocolate Covered Carrot Apple Layer Cake with Vegan Butter Cream Icing


  1. Slice Apples, skewer and set aside.
  2. Take muffin pan and line.
  3. Fill pan with desired dipping items.
  4. Fill mason jars halfway with chocolate chips.
  5. Place about 1.5 inches of water in a saucepan and add the mason jars with chocolate into the saucepan over medium heat.
  6. Stir chocolate in jars as they begin to melt.
  7. Continue stirring all chocolate until fully melted. (White & No Milk will melt faster and should be removed when they are fully melted.)
  8. When chocolate is melted take off heat and add to dipping bar station.
  9. Grab your skewed apples and start by dipping in chocolate followed by whatever toppings you want. Enjoy!

Pro Tip: We used Wooden Skewers for the apples. Popsicle sticks work well here too. Change up your dipping bar and use whatever combinations you like.

Music by Stockaudios Stockaudios

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